Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica, Nuevo León

Important Notice for English Instructors assigned to Full Time schools.


Dear English instructor:

Your are required to sign your contract in the “Eva Molina” auditorium located at Nueva Jersey 4038 Fracc. Industrial Lincoln Monterrey, N.L. C.P. 64310, in accordance to the following dates:

Regional Offices 1 and 2: August 12th from 9:00 to 13:00 hrs.
Regional Offices 3 and 4: August 13th from 9:00 to 13:00 hrs.
Regional Offices 6, 11, 12, and 13: August 14th from 9:00 to 13:00 hrs.

**If you cannot attend on your corresponding time, due to the “Consejo Técnico” Course (only for this reason), you will be able to do so from 15:00 to 17:00 hrs.

*Bring an official ID.

If you belong to Regional Office number 5, 7, 8, 9, or 10, you will be able to sign your contract at your corresponding office from August 16th to August 23rd.

For further information, please contact the “Administración Central y Finanzas” department.
Phone numbers: 20 20 51 09 and 20 20 51 30

Language Department

"Este programa es público ajeno a cualquier partido político. Queda prohibido el uso para fines distintos a los establecidos en el programa."

Derechos Reservados 2010-2022
Coordinación de Idiomas de la
Subsecretaría de Educación Básica
en el estado de Nuevo León.