Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica, Nuevo León

Congratulations to the Instructors who Obtained a Plaza


In April 2015, the Language Department disseminated through this website the call for participation in the Concurso de Oposición para el Ingreso a la Educación Básica, a national evaluation to obtain a plaza as an English instructor in primary schools.

This month the results of the evaluation were published.

Congratulations to the instructors who participated in the evaluation and were granted a plaza as English instructors. Their names are shown in order of highest score:

  1. Guadalupe del Roble Daniel González
  2. Hortencia Mayeli Hernández Sánchez
  3. Rosa Nelly Flores Ortegón
  4. Enrique Alejandro Arizmendi Gutiérrez
  5. Sandra Elizabeth Salazar Basurto
  6. Luz María Álvarez Guerra
  7. Martha Alicia Rosales Mata
  8. Rosío Pamela Armendáriz Rivera
  9. Paola Alejandra de León Gallardo
  10. Delia Lucero Ortiz Manzano
  11. Amanda Abigail Zúñiga Casas
  12. Karina Cortez Alanís

We appreciate this great achievement and encourage them to continue working in their professional growth and development.

Language Department

"Este programa es público ajeno a cualquier partido político. Queda prohibido el uso para fines distintos a los establecidos en el programa."

Derechos Reservados 2010-2022
Coordinación de Idiomas de la
Subsecretaría de Educación Básica
en el estado de Nuevo León.