Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica, Nuevo León

Weekly Grammar Tips


Dear English instructor,

As part of our professional growth and development, we have uploaded a document with useful grammar tips to help you review your knowledge of the English Language.

Each Monday a file with new content will be uploaded, and you will be able to find the previous document by entering SAPI in the “GRAMMAR TIPS” section using your login and password.

Please keep in mind that this information is only for your personal development. According to the NEPBE, grammar is implicitly presented in the social practices of the language, thus the provided information will not be presented to your students.

The topic for this week is Subjects, click here to display the grammar tips related to this interesting topic.

Language Department

"Este programa es público ajeno a cualquier partido político. Queda prohibido el uso para fines distintos a los establecidos en el programa."

Derechos Reservados 2010-2022
Coordinación de Idiomas de la
Subsecretaría de Educación Básica
en el estado de Nuevo León.