Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica, Nuevo León

Survey 2020 - 2021


Dear English instructor,

The Survey for the 2020-2021 school year is now available. You will be receiving the link to answer it at the email address you have registered at the Language Department.

As a reminder, we reinforce with you that this electronic survey was designed for you to let the Language Department know your plans for the following school year, as well as the school options you are interested in.

Please check your email account, find the message, read all the information and follow the instructions carefully.

It is very important to consider that the information in this survey is merely informative, and does imply any responsibility to the Language Department; neither guarantees the assignation to the selected school(s), since the final assignation(s) will be determined based on the corresponding requirements and needs of Secretaría de Educación.

If there is any further question, please contact your Enlace at the corresponding regional office.

Remember to visit our website regularly for information concerning this and other news.

Language Department

"Este programa es público ajeno a cualquier partido político. Queda prohibido el uso para fines distintos a los establecidos en el programa."

Derechos Reservados 2010-2022
Coordinación de Idiomas de la
Subsecretaría de Educación Básica
en el estado de Nuevo León.