Dear Asesor Externo Especializado,
The Standardized Exams are now available!
The exams must be applied without exception, to students in every grade observing the dates established by the specific school(s) you are working at, considering that the exams must not be applied later than March 12, 2022.
For the application of the exams, please feel free to adapt the dynamics of the exercises as required, always considering the academic contents from Aprendizajes Clave.
Use your username and password to access SAPI and download the exams from the “STANDARDIZED EXAMS FOR PERIOD 2” section.
Click here to access your SAPI account.
Language Department
"Este programa es público ajeno a cualquier partido político. Queda prohibido el uso para fines distintos a los establecidos en el programa."
Derechos Reservados 2010-2022 Coordinación de Idiomas de la Subsecretaría de Educación Básica en el estado de Nuevo León.